祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と供に – Thoughts

An all around short but nice read.

Meanwhile on the anime side of things, Sakurasou has been very entertaining so far and I don’t understand the complaints about forced drama. Hopefully it can keep up its pace as it’s shaping to be one of the few good romances in the anime medium which doesn’t suffer from an unresolved ending. Well that’s granted if they follow what they did with Toradora and end the anime with the LNs at the same time.

I think I actually said everything I wanted to say about this story in the impressions. The drama is there but it’s more of a problem imposed on the pair so that they can overcome it and strengthen their love more than ever.

… Or more bluntly, just the obligatory drama to not make the story a mellow romance. That wouldn’t have been bad either though.

In any case the only fault to speak of is the typical complaint of the story being far too brief. In this case, this story decided to end at a fairly… strange point.

For some routes it actually felt like they were in the middle of a conversation or it would just normally move to the next scene but no, it was actually the “ending” so you go to credits. It was pretty abrupt so was honestly strange. I think this story would have benefited from being lengthier but oh well, at best we can only hope for a fandisk at this point.

Next up will be 流星のアーカディア that I’m not expecting too much out of seeing its length. When looking at it again, not only are there not many stories of interest this month, the ones that are interesting enough to pick up are bloody short. It’s a short month in a variety of meanings. Anyway, Dandelion’s previous game was pretty good… except I never did get around to finishing it. Hopefully I won’t leave this one half way through.

It is for the better or worse fairly easy to see the heroines I liked the most with the bias in picture selection.

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