中の人などいない! – Thoughts

Finished, a pleasant end to August releases. Now for the long, or maybe not so long, wait for September releases.

That butler, that damned butler… The characters are for the most part very colorful in personalities and backgrounds. More importantly, the heroines are cute and Koutarou basically starts with heroine love points at MAX. It was the kind of situation where I wouldn’t find a harem end to be out-of-place but well, can’t actually expect one for the better or worse.

The characters are for the most part blunt with sex talk as well, with the exception of Louis as she’s pure and innocent… Though she somehow awoke to sadism half way in her route, I think I’ll seal that memory off. Err where was I— ah right, because of that it made the conversations fairly refreshing to see as typical stories tend to shy away from that sort of talk. I also spotted some parodies, memes(?) mixed in there as well, much to my surprise. Combined with the English trailers, it makes me think that Alcot is really quite the eccentric company, not that it’s anything new.

I stand by the point that Ayano had the best route and is clearly the best girl, I accept no objections except for maybe competition with Louis.

That said if I had to name a drawback of the story then it would be that it’s… really short. I’m not sure if it’s just me but the story felt like it was missing a few chapters. The common route likely wouldn’t take more than 3 hours to finish and after that the heroine routes can be finished in another 3 hours. Meaning if you worked hard you could probably finish the entire game in one day. As a result, my rhythm was screwed up for this VN. I usually don’t like immediately moving on to the next heroine after I finish one story but when routes are this short, I wind up reading a bit in the morning, finishing off whatever is left of it during the night and then I look at the clock with nothing left to do.

Length aside however, it was all in all a good story. In the sense of the heroines being cute in their respective routes and flirting with Koutarou without regard to public notice. That was needless to say the main enjoyment of the story. Or rather, if you’re playing it for any other reason then you’re doing it wrong.

Unfortunately the plot didn’t only consist of Koutarou and the heroine flirting, there’s still the “serious” side of things. In that area it’s more or less as expected. It served to give some drama or at least a problem for Koutarou and the heroine to overcome before achieving their happily ever after end.

Cathy made me want to give her a good beating just once but alas, playing the role of good guys is suffering. She really does strike some nerves with certain remarks. Though you can say that she got a fitting end in most results, it somehow felt unsatisfactory as it mostly consisted of her getting knocked out/captured and then sent off to galaxy police off-screen.

At this point I’m looking forward to the FD if one is released. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Seeing how Onigokko FD played out, I’m expecting 3P, 4P and the likes for the FD but we’ll have to wait and see for that. In any case, seeing as the main merit of the story is the heroines, I imagine a FD would actually play out better than the actual story.

Not much else to say so I’ll let pictures do the rest of the talking.

That marks the end of August releases, it was a pretty good month even if only for Tokyo Babel. There probably won’t be any posts for a few days as I play through the steampunk FD for the beautiful series. Some of the stories really ended in a way that made me wish there was some sort of follow up epilogue to iron things out and hopefully this FD will do exactly that. It comes with a preview for the next game so that’s also a bonus as well.  There’s also the Irotori FD to go through but well… guess it’ll depend on my mood.

4 thoughts on “中の人などいない! – Thoughts

  1. To me this game did not feel short. Maybe because i read things slower and i put every game i play in auto mode to listen to everything what they are saying, but i needed atleast 5 hours for every route :/

  2. Agreed on Ayano being the best girl, though for me Yuka comes close.

    3P or 4P in the FD? Someone get this guy’s idea to Alcot already.

    • You know, in Onigokko FD they included the main heroine’s mother in some of the hscenes (forgot her name at this point). It helps that the protagonist went around tripping milf flags during the main game but yeah, since they went that far it wouldn’t surprise me if they did the same for the FD here (granted one comes out).

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